This is a summary only. To receive full legislative updates on a biweekly basis, you must be a member of MNAAP. The emails provide additional details about legislative issues that are not posted on our website and are for members only.
- The legislative session lurched to a rancorous start on March 8 with partisan skirmishes over committee jurisdictions, unemployment benefits for Iron Range workers, and the limited public access to the Capitol building due to construction. With the shortest legislative session in recent memory, committees have been meeting in earnest to process bills before self-imposed committee deadlines arrive on April 1.
- Make plans to join pediatricians and pediatricians-in-training for the annual Pediatricians Day at the Capitol. A day of education, advocacy, and fellowship, the event is set for April 12. Registration and additional information can be found here.
- Efforts to reform the state’s child protection system continue at the Capitol. Legislators passed a number of significant reforms during the 2015 legislative session, and they’ve signaled a continued interest in pressing for additional measures. Committees in both the House and Senate acted favorably upon bills to extend the work of newly created task forces charged with improving the state’s system of child protection.